Coffeebreak is a women’s ministry that is open to women of all ages. It runs from the beginning of October to April every year and allows for a time of fellowship and Bible study. Coffeebreak
takes place in the social hall Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am. (this ministry runs seasonaly). There is nursery available and a childrens program.
Coffeebreak is open to women of all denominations and is a wonderful setting for those who wish to be more in God’s word. Studies range from discipleship, to spiritual gifts, to books of the Bible.
Books are provided to all participants, and for those who are able there is a nominal fee.
Come and join us for a time of fellowship, prayer, study and time as a community of women – both old and new friends.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the church office at 403.845.6067
or Jessica 403.846.6585. Hope to see you soon!